Deed Covenant Survey (Closed)

The purpose of this survey was to gauge the communities willingness to participate in surveys and for the board to understand the communities opinion on rules that govern how homeowners can manage their property. Approximately 235 unique lots participated and almost every one (99%) responded that they would be willing to participate in future surveys. For reference, in order for a deed covenant to pass, it needs 66% of the responding community members approval. The board decided that they would proceed with changes that had a 60% or higher approval rate. For questions that did not meet this threshold, they are re-evaluating how to proceed to increase the chance of success.


Would you vote to approve changing our fee structure to $200 for all residents?

This would combine the current $100 HOA fee with the $50 lake usage and an additional $50 increase to all residents.

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Would you support the board implementing a monthly fine to homes that are deemed to have an eyesore?

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This chart shows what is considered an eyesore that had the largest amount of responses.

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Do you support the current restriction on the number of storage structures on a property?

Currently the rules state, "no more than one other building for garage or storage purposes."

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Do you support the current restriction on garage/accessory building size?'

The current restriction states "The total space of the garage or accessory building cannot exceed 60% of the living area (footprint) of the first floor of the home excluding the garage."

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Thank you for reviewing the results of the survey. If you would like to discuss the results in more detail please email